Ayahuasca and San Pedro in Pillcopata Manu
14 Days / 13 Nights

Day 1.- Cusco / Pillcopata / Manu
8:00 am – meeting in Cusco in Plaza San Francisco.
8:30 am – presentation with the shaman and the team.
9:00 am – departure from Cusco to pillcopata manu.
12:00 pm – offering ceremony with coca leaves in Abra de Manu.
13:00 pm – box lunch in abra de manu.
14:00 pm – we continue with the trip to pillcopata manu.
17:00 pm – we arrive at the inka yachay spiritual center.
18:00 pm – installation at the inka yachay spiritual center.
19:00 pm – welcome dinner.
Day 2. Ceremony of san pedro (huachuma)
7:00 am – awake.
7:30 am – organic breakfast.
8:30 am – Briefing with shamans and individual interviews.
11:00 am – Conceptual and practical workshop in relation to the master plants.
12:30 pm – 1st ceremony of san pedro (huachuma).
13:30 pm – Visit to the manu grounds.
15:00 pm – Ceremony of offering to Mother Earth.
Day 3. Purification day
7:00 am – awake
7:30 am – organic breakfast.
9:00 am – Purifying ceremony with the medicinal plant Yawarpanga.
Day 4. Ayahuasca ceremony.
7:00 am –
7:30 am – breakfast juice of some fruit.
8:30 am – Yoga and therapeutic circle of experience.
10:00 am – free time to walk, read, meditate, etc.
16:00 pm – briefing on the ayahuasca ceremony.
17:30 pm – preparation for the ayahuasca ceremony.
18:00 pm – 1st ayahuasca ceremony.
Day 5. Ayahuasca ceremony.
7:00 am – awake.
7:30 am – breakfast juice of some fruit.
8:30 am – time to share experiences and yoga.
10:00 am – free time to explore the environment.
16:00 pm – briefing on the ayahuasca ceremony.
17:30 pm – preparation for the ayahuasca ceremony.
18:00 pm – 2nd ayahuasca ceremony.
Day 6. Meditation at the Inca samana waterfall.
7:00 am – awake.
7:30 am – breakfast juice of some fruit.
8:30 am – visit to the Inca waterfall Samana.
10:00 am – diet with plants and meditation in the middle of the jungle.
Day 7. Diet
7:00 am – awake.
8:00 am – visit to sacred places in the manu.
11:00 am – diet in the rest the day.
Day 8. Diet
7:00 am – awake.
8:00 am – deep meditation at the Inca Samana waterfall to find the inner self.
7:00 am – diet the rest of the day.
Day 9. Ayahuasca ceremony.
7:00 am – awake.
7:30 am – light breakfast juice of any fruit.
8:30 am – meeting to share experiences.
10:00 am – meditation and silence.
12:00 pm – free time to rest, read, walk, fish, etc.
17:00 pm – meeting for the ayahuasca ceremony.
18:00 pm – 3rd ayahuasca ceremony.
Day 10. Ayahuasca ceremony.
7:00 am – awake.
7:30 am – light breakfast juice of any fruit.
8:30 am – meeting to share experiences.
12:00 pm – free time to rest, read, walk, fish, etc.
17:00 pm – meeting for the ayahuasca ceremony.
18:00 pm – 4th ayahuasca ceremony.
Day 11. Dedicated from Mother Earth “Pachamama”
7:00 am – awake
7:30 am – light breakfast
8:30 am – time to share experiences.
10:00 am – explanation of the sacred plants.
12:00 pm – payment offering to mother earth.
14:00 pm – tour on the ground.
15:00 pm – visit to the Inca Samana waterfall.
16:00 pm – free time to read, write, etc.
Day 12. Ceremony of San Pedro (huachuma)
7:00 am – awake
7:30 am – light breakfast
8:30 am – medicinal circle
11:00 am – 2nd Huachuma ceremony
12:00 am – free time to explore the manu accompanied by a guide.
14:00 pm – flowering bath with aromatic and medicinal plants.
16:00 pm – fire ceremony.
17:00 pm – light dinner before bed.
Day 13. Ceremony of San Pedro (huachuma)
7:00 am – awake.
7:30 am – light breakfast.
9:00 am – offering ceremony to mother earth.
11:00 am – 3rd Huachuma ceremony.
13:00 pm – free time to read, meditate, walk, etc.
15:00 pm – flowering bath.
18:30 pm – light dinner before bed.
Day 14. Farewell and transfer manu – cusco.
6:30 am – awake.
7:00 am – organic breakfast.
8:00 am – farewell with the shamans and the body of work.
9:00 am – transfer from manu to cusco
16:00 pm – arrival in Cusco.
Duration: 7 Days / 6 Nights
Trip type: small group
Small group experience; Max. 11 min. 05.
Package includes
Daily meditation classes
Medicinal flower and plant baths
Therapeutic circles in the days before the ceremonies
1 purification ceremony of cleansing and purging with the medicinal plant Yawarpanga.
3 ceremony of Saint Peter
2 days with Master Plants diet
4 Ayahuasca ceremonies
1 monkfish ceremony.
13 nights and 14 days of accommodation
Fresh vegetarian meals and fruit juice daily.
Transportation of Cusco Manu and Viciversa.
Spiritual guide.
You consult with the shaman.
Tours within the manu terrain.
Visits to the Inca Samana waterfall.
If you have any disease or treatment, let us know; You are responsible for bringing your own medicine. (We offer first aid service and oxygen).
A preparation diet is suggested, at least 5 days before retirement. Preparation is really a very important aspect to participate in this type of experience. Diet helps to keep the body clean, and that is really very important and necessary to be able to live an optimal process.
We advise avoiding heavy and greasy foods. Do not eat red meat, although, it is recommended, essentially, a vegetarian diet, as healthy as possible, that is, low saturated fat, low sugar, low salt and few carbohydrates.
It is possible to eat all kinds of vegetables, and eat all kinds of fruits
It is suggested two days before the retreat not to eat high carbohydrate foods like spaghetti, cakes and refined flours. Do not consume sugar for a few days before the withdrawal. Five days before the retreat do not eat aged cheese and do not drink alcoholic beverages of any kind, nothing that contains alcohol, nor eat processed foods that contain preservatives or other similar chemicals, also avoid the consumption of drinks with stimulants such as coffee, black tea, green tea, yerba mate, etc. It is possible to drink an infusion of coca leaves, they help acclimatization and altitude. In case of using food supplements, please inform in advance all the details about the supplements to avoid possible interactions.
We recommend fasting on the day of your first ayahuasca ceremony, usually the first day of the retreat. You can only drink water.
Meditation practices are recommended before ceremonies. It is important that the person is rested before entering a ceremony. Therefore, it is suggested to arrive in Cusco a day or a few days before the retreat, and rest as much as possible.
Ayahuasca and San Pedro in Pillcopata Manu
14 Dias / 13 Noches
US$.2 750.00
Price per person

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